邮递员-mail carrier

“邮递员”在英语中可以翻译为 “mail carrier” 或者 “postman/postwoman”。

以下是使用 “mail carrier” 和 “postman/postwoman” 这两个翻译分别造的五个句子,并给出相应的翻译:

  1. “The mail carrier delivers letters and packages to our neighborhood every day.” (邮递员每天将信件和包裹送到我们的社区。)
  2. “I saw the postman dropping off a package at my doorstep this morning.” (今早我看到邮递员在我家门口送包裹。)
  3. “The mail carrier is a familiar face in our community, always friendly and reliable.” (邮递员是我们社区中熟悉的面孔,总是友好可靠。)
  4. “She decided to become a mail carrier because she enjoys being outdoors and interacting with people.” (她决定成为一名邮递员,因为她喜欢户外活动和与人交流。)
  5. “The postwoman rode her bicycle along the street, delivering mail to each house on her route.” (女邮递员骑着自行车沿着街道行驶,将邮件递送到她路线上的每一户人家。)