
“木琴”在英语中可以翻译为 “xylophone”。

以下是使用 “xylophone” 这个翻译造的五个句子,并给出相应的翻译:

  1. “She played a beautiful melody on the xylophone during the music recital.” (她在音乐演奏会上用木琴演奏了一首美妙的旋律。)
  2. “The xylophone is a percussion instrument that produces musical tones when the wooden bars are struck with mallets.” (木琴是一种打击乐器,当用槌敲击木制琴键时会发出音调。)
  3. “The children in the music class took turns playing the xylophone to learn about rhythm and melody.” (音乐班的孩子们轮流弹奏木琴,学习节奏和旋律。)
  4. “He practiced for hours every day to improve his skills on the xylophone.” (他每天练习几个小时,提高自己在木琴上的技巧。)
  5. “The xylophone’s bright and rihidebrant tones added a cheerful atmosphere to the musical performance.” (木琴明亮而生动的音调给音乐演出增添了愉快的氛围。)