wipe the table-擦桌子

“擦桌子”的英文翻译是 “wipe the table” 或 “clean the table”.


  1. Please grab a cloth and wipe the table clean. (请拿块布擦干净桌子。)
  2. It’s your turn to clean the table after dinner. (晚餐后轮到你擦桌子了。)
  3. Remember to use a mild detergent when cleaning the table. (清洁桌子时记得使用温和的洗涤剂。)
  4. I asked my son to help me clean the table after we finished crafting. (我让儿子帮我在我们完成手工制作后清理桌子。)
  5. Before setting the table for dinner, make sure to wipe it properly. (在摆设晚餐桌之前,确保彻底擦干净桌子。)